Saturday, June 18, 2005

The Words from Columbia Illinois

Got words today that my children will be returning to Malaysia on the 24th. and that's less than a week from now. I also learned that I have to go back to Terengganu and secure their letters of transfer of schools from their former shcool to give them to the schools here in Penang.So what if you have to got to Terengganu or Timbuuktoo!! I am getting tired of putting all my thoughts down like and addict who cannot stop from smoking. Who is out there reading these daily moaning and groaning of a wiped out! flat on his butt of an Artist World traveller cum Mystic man wanna be, what a bloody waste of time and precious space in the all ready crowded Super Highway, Cyber Space, whatever.

Have you been following my ramblings? Who are you, what do you think? What would you have done if you were in my shit right now?! Hello! Is there any body out there!

So I will book a ticket for tomorrow night's bus to Kuala Terengganu I am used to it, travelling that is, I just dont feel right sitting in one place for too long, its the Gypsy blood in me and dont ask me from whose side it comes. I am used to staring out of bus windows at streaks of green passing by as we drive up into the Central range of the Malay Peninsular. I am used to having wild dreams and fantasies raging through my mind as we drove through the night towards the next destination, never forget to wear a thick sweater for it can be chilly in the bus.

What have I learned from my ten days spin from Medan to Bukit Tinggi to Padang and back? Like my friend David C mentioned, it could turn out into a bum trip. What is it that I come back with, what in me changed, what did the trip do for me? Not a thing? I am no more a better or richer man nor can I say that my sense of pride in the Art of Travelling has now been compromised. I am sure its no one's fault that I failed to learn to appreciate all the little gestures that most of the Indonesians has offered all along the way, the smiles and treating me with honor and dignity worthy of a visiting dignitary. Its just not the same anymore or maybe I just had a great time but did not want to admit it! If I am allowed to with my children I would gladly move to one of the smaller towns in Indonesia or perhaps like Payakumbuh, where all the beauties and wonders of nature and man exist side by side. A place filled with Mysticism and belief in the 'Alam Gahib' or spiritual world. Carl G.Jung once said something like, Mankind has lost his sense of Awe and Wonder of Nature. Man has fallen asleep in this Land of Maya, he is dreaming of himself dreaming in this Land of MMAYA.

Well it looks now like I got to get use seen and being seen in the neighborhood of my childhood days, River Road at SungeiPinang. Most of the faces I have seen so far do not look the least familliar and most are young and looks like the run the hood. Oh well might as well get used to it I hope that my two children will not have too much difficulty adapting to the change. I am not too worried about my daughter I believe she can handle herself but my son might find it harder, its is good for character building, change is. So long as the change does not cause too much strain on your budget and on relationships or on the physical and mental health or their sense of belonging.

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