Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Living the day

My wife is slowly drifting away from the normal day to day life of what she used to be like and I am concerned more than ever on how to cope with the future in being able to care for her. She has just been terminated from her job which she has great passion for after teaching ESL for more than twenty years in the US, Japan and now Malaysia. My wife has developed a form of dementia possibly alstzheimer's. She has yet to be officially diagnosed but I am almost positive this is what it is. Living among the Malays offcourse the possibilty of her being hexed or charmed by jealous co-workers is another possibllity but being western enducated I am skeptic about such ideas.
It is sad to watch someone who shares your life for the past thirteen years through thick and thin and having moved to three different countries in the process wasting away into la la land. But I have made the ptomise to late father-in law that I would care for her and this I intend to keep. This will become my main ingredient for my compost pile in my life. My two children are handling the situation amiarably as they come to grips with the fact that their mother is slowly loosing her marbles.Now I have to make some drastic changes in our lives to face the future and one of them is making the choice of where to live, here in Malaysia or relocate back to the US as my wife and children are American citizens.
My wife is originally from Colombia, Illinois, across the Missippi from ST.Louis but for some reason she has been very reluctant to return to her hometown. I have never been to Colombia but I Guese it is not much different from Green Bay, Wisconsin where I have lived for some eight years of my life. One of my option is to move the family to Colombia Ill. despite my wife's trepidations where hopefully her mother and friends can help us out with keeping her company at the very least. It is a tall order to ask of anyone these days as people are not as sympathetic or caring as they used to be, at least this is what I am finding out.Blame it on Globlization, the state of the economy, the millenium, the terrorist, blame it on anything but the fact is becoming apparent that when you are down you loose more than just your wealth.
So today after watering my compost piles I am sitting here blogging my thoughts hoping that somewhere out there a soul or two would shed some light upon my dark days here.

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